The Ones Who Matter (Part 1)

Ahhh, I went strong for almost a week. I apologize for missing my daily 750 word posts the past two days, but my parents were in town and I didn’t want to be sitting on my laptop blogging when I should’ve been spending time with them.

I hope you all had a happy July 4th! Mine was pretty much a regular day, with the added bonus of spending time with my parents. Meaning homemade food, having my gas tank refilled for me, and grocery and clothes shopping with my parents. That seems to be the usual course of events whenever they come to visit me here in Dallas.

Even though my parents had driven back home on Saturday, I spent the rest of that day plus Sunday catching up on sleep. I guess all the crappy quality sleep I’d been getting up until last weekend plus the return of Adderall on Thursday and Friday was just too much for my body to handle anymore. Today I slowly tried to get back into the swing of things with HRPG (I checked myself into the inn on Saturday to give myself a break).

I’ll try to wake up early enough tomorrow to take my Adderall; I really didn’t do anything productive aside from update recruitment posts and whatnot for my guild on AGG. And of course, that’s not truly productive — I mean, I still have to sign up for classes in the fall and find a job. If anything, I’ve just been procrastinating by using AGG duties. (I’m still in the process of convincing myself that starting with AGG stuff was my way of easing myself back into being productive.)

I apologize for the lack of images to break up the wall of text in this blog, but I neglected to take pictures of anything today. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to keep this post close to 750 words. (In true tl;dr girl fashion, half of my 750 word posts have been over 1000 words long.)

Somehow in the past day or so, I got to thinking about how I’ve changed while growing up, and the people who were influential in some of the major transitions I went through in life.

Beth was the first long-lasting friend I’ve ever had. I didn’t meet her until I was 13, when I transferred to her school. With both of us being in a small private school out in the middle of nowhere, our class was a whopping 9 or 10 people in size, and we were the smartest students in the class. There wasn’t anyone else nearly as smart as us, so I guess that probably had some part in us becoming so close.

When I transferred schools again in 10th grade, we didn’t talk much outside of holidays. But when we hung out, it was as if we’d never really been apart. At first, it bothered me, not really talking to her regularly throughout the year, but over time, I’ve gotten used to it. And now I know that our friendship won’t have changed in the slightest no matter how long it’s been since we last talked. That’s nice, as well as an important lesson for me to learn, since most of the other friends I’ve made have also turned out to be those kinds of friendships also.

David was my first boyfriend. I’m still not sure exactly what to think about that whole relationship. Past me kinda was on the right track back in the Xanga days when she answered this featured question about when a child should be able to start dating. Yet even though she had that kind of view about it, hormones and whatnot still let her do stupid stuff and there was just so much “what is this I don’t even” that went on in that relationship — particularly during the end of it. But no matter how unsure I still feel about having been with David, all in all, I’m glad I was with him for the time that I was. Without him, I most likely wouldn’t have met the guys who became my best friends throughout college.

And that’s an awkward story in and of itself. I was soooo creeptastic (and still can be).

The summer before freshman year, my college sent each student the info of their roommates so that they could communicate and get to know each other, decide who was going to contribute what kind of furniture to the common areas, etc. Well, after David had found out who his roommates were, I tried to Facebook stalk his roommates to introduce myself and tell them they would probably be seeing a lot of me and whatnot (this is painful to recall lol).

I think I found 2 out of the 3, but only one replied. That would be Cameron.

And now this post is nearing 800 words, so I will have to continue this story tomorrow. Until then~


I had a dream

That I overslept again and both Toto and Jager peed everywhere in my apartment. And then my parents visited me and where like, “Wtf.” And they brought McDonald’s to eat for dinner. What? I guess that’s what I get for taking a 3-hour nap at four in the afternoon. So, my first counseling session was on Monday afternoon, and while it was kinda weird to be going to counseling, overall, I was comfortable with who I had been assigned as a counselor. I have to attend a few more sessions before being able to see the psychiatrist, and if I want to know from them whether or not I have ADD/ADHD, I’d have to go to an off-site testing area to get tested (which would cost money). If I don’t want to wait til I’m eligible to see the psychiatrist on campus, then I have to find one off campus and either get tested by them, or just talk with them and see if they think that I do have ADD/ADHD (which would still cost money). I’m not sure whether or not I want to wait, as most of the studying tips she suggested are things I have already tried. One of my friends suggested I write in my books while I study as it helps one concentrate on what they’re actually reading if they actively take notes; while I can see that working, my mind immediately balked at the idea and said, “NO, it is forbidden!” And some of the textbooks I have do not belong to me. As for my anger issues, she suggested that I try meditating daily. And said I should try and have a healthier lifestyle in general, which I know I should. I haven’t been really getting quality sleep lately, I never really ate regularly or healthily (I have more incentive when I’m cooking for other people, rather than for just myself), and I am soooo out of shape. I’m hoping to remedy that this coming semester by making a schedule that has me starting classes at the same time every day and finishing early in the afternoon, allowing me time to get into a habit of waking up at the same time every morning and giving me time to work out for an hour every afternoon. Wish me luck! I’m also much closer to the Activity Center than I was last year, so making the trip from my apartment won’t be as much of a deterrent when it’s cold. Or freezing. 8:40 – It’s so easy to get sidetracked watching videos of cats. Pretty sure I started writing this blog at 8.  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssszzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss So that was my dog, Toto, giving his input. Maybe he was trying to imitate the creepers from Minecraft. Speaking of pets, I think Jager and Toto were actually playing today! Well, Toto always tries to play with Jager, so that’s not news. However I think Jager was playing hide-n-seek with Toto today. It’s big news! It really is! I’ve never seen Jager play with Toto like that before. Anyway . . . Hmm. Last night I was out shopping, so on the way back I stopped at my ex-boyfriend’s to pick up some stuff that I’d forgotten. We ended up talking for a while, and it became pretty clear to me that we’re better friends than we are boyfriend and girlfriend. I’m glad that I had the chance to talk with him. It’s put my mind at ease. Even though I haven’t been strong in my faith in the past, I can’t help feeling that God helped me out with this one. My close friends were very supportive of me once I told them, and even having the initiative to go and talk to Chris in the first place was not something I would have been able to do easily in the past. I’m glad with how this whole situation concluded. I am uber excited for this weekend; my friend, Beth, is visiting Dallas for a swing dance class she’s taking with her swing dance club. Since it’s close to campus, she’s spending the night at my apartment for the weekend, and we haven’t been able to really hang out in a long while. (That was another reason why I feel God was really helping me this past week.) In addition, one of my other friends is having her birthday party on Sunday (eating out and going bowling). I love to bowl, so I think it’ll be fun overall, even though I probably won’t know anyone besides the birthday girl. The only damper is that I have a biochem exam next Monday, so I should really be studying right now instead of blogging. I haven’t even eaten dinner yet! I’m soooo bad. My ex has a snake and it’s so cool and I want a snake. My house is going to have a zoo.

I don’t need people as long as I have cats.

This isn't really my situation, but the conclusion applies all the same. Except I also have a dog. And am a girl, not a boy.
I know, I know, it hasn’t been a week yet, and I already have another post up? Crazy talk! But hey, I’m doing this instead of studying for my neuroanatomy exam on Tuesday, so it’s not completely out of character. I’ve had this comic saved on my laptop for a while. A friend showed it to me a long time ago, and I found it so endearing that I decided to keep a copy for myself. (Whoever made this comic is a genius. GENIUS.) It never occurred to me that I might someday use it as a way to express how I’m feeling. I actually feel annoyed that I’m in this situation. I’m currently trying to decide whether I should attempt to drag the blog content out to the length of the image, or if I should just keep it short and sweet and apologize for having the image be so large. But I wanted you guys to be able to see it without having to click on it in order to enlarge it. Ohhh, the choices. OH! As long as I’m rambling, a fellow blogger found this blog-ish website that is basically an archive of chat logs between the blogger and his cat. It’s quite amusing, though it seems that the author hasn’t updated in a while. Of course, I must pass this on to you all, my nonexistent readers. Without further adieu, the link: Louis vs. Rick Ehh, it’s kinda embarrassing, but I slept in today and neglected to let my dog out immediately when I got up, in spite of the numerous times he indicated his need to relieve himself outside. So, as it turns out, what goes around comes around . . . sort of. I don’t think that saying fits in this situation. Anywho, my dog wandered into the bathroom where the litter box is. I thought he was nosing around in the litter box because he was digging for some buried treasure (since it was an uncovered box), but nooo. Instead I find him squatting by the box, relieving his bladder. It wouldn’t have been as bad if he’d actually gotten his urine to go in the box, but as the box is located under a counter and Toto is a big boy, that was just not possible. Now, I’m not sure if he actually was intending to dig for buried treasure and just happened to be unable to hold his urine any longer, or if he was trying to use the litter box because he knew that’s where Jager does his business. If it’s the latter, then maybe my dog is more intelligent than he lets on. Suffice it to say, I’ve now gotten a covered litter box for peace of mind after having cleaned up the whole mess in the bathroom, and I should not ignore Toto’s persistent indications to let him go outside in the future. Cleaning the bathroom prompted me to clean the rest of my apartment, though, so overall, it wasn’t a bad experience and I ended up being rather productive today. Of course, I’d get on a whole new level of productivity if I studied. I just noticed that my site title doesn’t really make much sense. “Peering through the watch glass”? What?

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like . . .

I'll get rid of my stress even if it's the last thing I do!
I’mma be really stressed out soon. You thought I was going to say “Christmas,” didn’t you? We’re not even past Thanksgiving yet! Class registration for spring starts next Monday! I’m a senior by credits, so I get to begin registering for classes Tuesday morning. I’m currently looking at 15-17 hours for spring semester, and hopefully, I can start some research during the summer. I’m still having some trouble with procrastination and focus when studying, so I’ve begun counseling at the counseling center on campus to see what tips they have for students struggling with time management and whatnot. And, ultimately, to see if I have ADD/ADHD because, honestly, that would not be surprising and would explain a lot. In addition, my GPA isn’t all too competitive right now, so I’m going to hold off on applying to med school by (hopefully only) a year, during which I will perhaps continue with research, gain hospital experience (volunteering and shadowing), and possibly also get a job. It’s somewhat comforting now that I’ve come to the decision to wait a year. I’ve yet to tell my parents that, though, so I’m also nervous about it. Other updates? I got a cat! His name was Woody when I first met him (at the shelter at which I’m currently volunteering), but I felt that it didn’t fit. He has now been renamed as “Jagermeister.” Yes, like the alcohol, but that wasn’t the reason for which I named him. I like to call him “Jager.” My dog, Toto, is pretty herp and isn’t aware of how to properly interact with a cat. It also doesn’t help that Jager’s declawed, so whenever he hits Toto in the face, Toto thinks he’s playing. They get along, which is what I was hoping for; the only problem is that Toto always wants to play. And he is not a small dog, by any means.
This was Jager's first day at home.
Hmm, I also had a boyfriend whom I had begun dating in February. Our relationship ended this past Wednesday, and I’m trying to keep from blaming myself too much. I know that I’m not the only one to blame for the failure of this relationship. I’m upset, but moreover, I’m agitated that I do not know the complete reason for this recent turn of events. Seeing as we’re both short-tempered individuals, it seems that he was tired of arguing all the time. It’s a reasonable thought, but I can’t help but feel that there’s more to it than that. Ah well. The decision was, for the most part, mutual. It just feels like it happened very abruptly. In any case, I’ll try to remain optimistic about the whole thing. The weather has been looking nicer. I feel that we skipped fall, though. Or that fall is more close to feeling like winter rather than being a halfway point between summer and winter. As long as I’m no longer sweating buckets outside and then freezing in my classes, I’ll be happy. Here is my pre-New Year’s resolution: One post per week. It shouldn’t be too difficult, right? As long as I don’t try to write a novel every time, I think it’ll be feasible. So, see you guys next year week.

Entering the Mature Dating World

Featured Question: At what age do you think a kid should be able to start dating?

My Answer:
For whenever I have children, preferrably when they become eighteen. Which would basically be time for when they go to college and finally escape from my constant overprotective watching.

However, I don’t think one could put an exact age for when the time would be right for a person to begin dating. As most people say, it depends on the maturity of the person/kid/child/teenager in question. True, s/he should be mature enough to be able to handle the emotional stress that will come along with dating, be able to juggle relationship and all other aspects of life equally well, and be mature enough not to curse the opposite gender when things go wrong. (When thinking about dating in that last aspect, from the lies I’ve seen on television shows, quite a few adults shouldn’t be allowed to date.) However, fulfilling these few requirements isn’t enough for me. The person should also understand that dating isn’t just a status, nor is the act of dating solely for fun and games. And if it’s just a way to “get some,” that person should most certainly NOT be allowed to date.

When the epiphany that dating is a course taken to find someone whom one would want to spend the rest of his or her life with, and s/he is ready to make that commitment, then perhaps that person can be deemed ready to begin dating. The purpose of dating isn’t just so one won’t be alone. The purpose of dating isn’t because you “need” someone to make you feel whole. When one realizes that the act of dating is to find someone to love, forever, then the person will be that much closer to dating. S/he also must have already figured out that the reason for being in a relationship, in any relationship, romantic or unromantic, should be for the other person. Self gain will come with it, but that shouldn’t be the reason to be in the relationship. But if the reasons for dating is solely that the person is “hot” or is rich, or something else superficial, then some more mental growth needs to occur.

There’s probably many more things I think are important on this subject but don’t remember at the moment. Revision will probably ensue…sometime.


I just answered this Featured Question, you can answer it too!