Fail Vlog 4: In Which I Apparently Don’t Have Any Self Control

So herp, I’m still working on finding a satisfactory camera setup for my vlogs; I’m seriously thinking about buying one of those mirrors that hair salons use (you know, to show you what the back of your head looks like) and setting it behind my camera so I can see what the heck I’m doing while vlogging and adapt accordingly.Until then, sorry when I try to show you stuff and you actually don’t really see it. And same goes for me being off-center for pretty much the entiiiiiree video.

So last night, my sister posted this on her facebook wall. We’ve kinda talked ourselves into wanting to do it, but given the fact that we’re way out of shape and probably pansies, we’re waiting ’til at least next year (probably October) to participate. However! We think we might volunteer at the one in Austin this October and see what it’s like. I think it sounds fun! Granted, a 10-12 mile obstacle course sounds really grueling . . . we’ll have a lot of work to do before we can consider ourselves ready for the challenge. Neither of us have done that kind of thing before, so we both figured that it’s something we want to try at least once in our lives.

Here’s a picture of the Konexi game where we were determined to use all 26 letters. What words can you find?

And this video makes me want to buy a used PS2 and DDR and be all awesome on it. (And it’s also actually pretty decent exercise!) He makes it look so easy! This guy is the creator of the Dead Fantasy series and works as an animator and choreographer for Rooster Teeth Productions, the company that makes Red vs. Blue. This video and this video were both made by Oum using mocap (Motion capture) technology, and Oum choreographs and performs the dances himself . . . So in short, I’m saying I’m jealous of his dancing abilities, haha. And it’s also pretty amusing to watch those videos and imagine him dancing to it.

So my piano II class had a recital yesterday (Sunday). I only played my duet piece because I didn’t like my Baroque piece enough to want to perform it for other people. Now, my partner and I had been practicing for weeks, and our performance of the piece was pretty solid. Apparently, I still get quite a bit of stage fright because I totally herped up big time while we performed our duet. One part, I’m not sure what messed me up, but I had to stop playing altogether for a few seconds. Another part, my left hand decided to skip a measure, and so I had to drop its part for a few seconds as well. I know I messed up somewhere else, but I can’t remember exactly what it was. And my hands started shaking halfway through the piece. Fuuuuuuu —

And I thought it would be easier/less stressful for me if it were a duet because I wouldn’t be up there by myself. I feel like I was even more nervous than if I had been performing alone, though I don’t know why that is. PUH. Whatever. Guess I’m not meant to be a performer.

Ionno what else I had planned on talking about so I’m going to end this vlog/blog now.

Sorry for having so many links in this post loooooolll. Was that title too long? Herpp.

A New Beginning

We're All Gonna Die Soon
I'll keep up with my blog this time. I swears!
Here’s to (yet another) new blog! Actually, I haven’t had many blogs. There was only the Xanga, which I’ve had since 2005. It was my first blog, as well as one of my first exposures to the internets. As such, the first two or three years of posts were highly illiterate and pretty painful to read. There was one period where I had different paragraphs of text highlighted different colors. I was, in every sense of the word, a newb. Sometimes, I was even a n00b (and yes, there’s a difference). All previous posts were brought over from my Xanga, but because I didn’t want to waste my time and yours, I decided to leave out all the posts where I typed like a retard. I’m sure the link to my xanga is around here somewhere, so if you’re really curious, you can go on a scavenger hunt for it. The prize is loss of vision from scratching your eyes out. Fun, isn’t it!? In the last post I made, I spouted this nonsense about “buckl[ing] down and get[ting] to business when I need to.” Well, I always was better at procrastinating than I was at studying, and it still isn’t all that different. I took biology II over the summer, and I feel like I worked a bit harder at it, but I hypothesize that it was due more to the fact that it was the only class I took at the time, rather than me procrastinating less. Even now, when I know I should get a head start on studying biochem because I didn’t really learn my ochem – at all – I’m here blogging about how I should be studying. And my inability to kick this nasty habit of procrastinating. Of course, people usually start out the new school year trying to stay on top of things, but eventually, they feel like taking a break. And then they don’t come back from it. I think that happens rather early on in the semester for me. Not to be pessimistic or anything (I think I’m being rather realistic, in fact), but you know I’m right.
Link & Epona
Pretty much the only game I ever played on the N64. Aside from multiplayers (Mario Smash Bros., Pokemon Stadium, Mario Party).
All that talk about not being distracted by anime and manga due to some of what I watch/read being taken down due to copyrights? Yeah. All but one of those was re-uploaded, and since I had found more to watch/read while those were gone, I am now currently reading 10 mangas (9 of them ongoing, 1 just not fully uploaded to my manga source) and watching 4 animes. Even if I didn’t have mangas or animes, I noticed that I will spend just about as much time playing video games. Whether it be replaying Ocarina of Time, or playing on my PSP until I ragequit all the games I’ve started, I can spend hours on end just playing games. Thankfully, that doesn’t happen as often as watching anime or reading manga, because then I’d really have no life. And I do have a life, thank you very much! It’s just a smidgen of what normal people call lives, but it still counts! I also tend to have books lying about (for leisure reading) and, being an avid reader, get easily caught up in reading a book. And if I ever run out of (or catch up to) my manga and anime (and tired of my video games and finish my books), I can always turn to YouTube for distraction. YouTube, or random online shopping. If I get really desperate for ways to waste time, I start blogging. Just kidding! (Ahahahaha . . . ) Guh, it’s my junior year, which means I don’t have much time to spare for procrastinating. Really, high school is such a joke compared to college. High school doesn’t prepare you for college at all. Unless you took AP or dual credit courses. That might prepare you for college. Just a little bit. This whole “you have to study to get a good grade” business is ridiculous. And time management? I obviously don’t have good time management skills because I’m sitting here blogging while I should be studying for neuroanatomy and biochem. And classes just started two days ago! Or three, actually. (I don’t have Friday classes, booyah!) But yes, I have no time to procrastinate because Neuroanatomy and Biochem will take most of my study time, as well as practicing for my Piano II class, and I still haven’t started studying for my MCAT. I have a sense of impending doom looming over me, but my procrastination manages to make it seem more like a niggling thought. Though, to be honest, I’m a bit worried about how my courses are gonna pan out for spring semester and senior year. I feel the need to retake a few classes that I did poorly in (procrastination at its finest), but I don’t know if I’ll be able to squeeze them into the remaining time I have. Especially since the scheduling for neuro classes senior year may be pretty tight. I’ll have to make sure I nab a projected schedule of courses from the advising department this coming week.
Why do it today when you can do it tomorrow?
This app (I have it on my Android phone) allows one to make a "To Do" list, with a simple interface that allows one to procrastinate indefinitely.
All right, let’s see if I can wrap this up nicely for you. It’s starting to drag on a bit, isn’t it? So this semester, I’m taking only 15 hours. Biochem (4 hours), Neuroanatomy (3 hours), Piano II (3 hours), History of American Medicine in Film (3 hours), Medical Terminology (1 hour online), and Library Research Skills (1 hour online). I can tell you right now that biochem, neuroanatomy, and piano are going to take up most of my study time outside of classes. My professor for neuroanatomy already told the class that most of the learning will be done by studying outside of lecture, rather than through attending lecture. Thankfully, he’s given many resources to help us through the process of rote memorization. I regret to say that biochem will take a lot of time merely because I didn’t put the effort into learning the related material when I had the classes (ochem and bio 1), so most of the beginning will be learning and (kinda) reviewing. As for piano, well, that takes a lot of practice, and my fingers are rusty because I didn’t touch a piano all summer. And I never learned to count while playing. I can count the piece, and I can play (more like bumble through) the piece – I’ll even count through the first few measures – but somewhere along the way, I focus more on playing the notes and stop counting altogether. So remedying that problem might take some time, and I feel as if I’m already at a disadvantage compared to the other students. And this is way off topic, but my olfactory system keeps telling me that I smell cigarrette smoke, as if it’s lingering in the air, but it’s not. I hate when this happens. Stupid people jeopardizing my lungs just so they can “calm down” (even though nicotine is a stimulant) and get rid of their withdrawal symptoms. /rant This semester is gonna kill me. For serious.